{形} : 遮る{さえぎる}もののない、妨げられていない、邪魔{じゃま}のない Was there a clear view, unobstructed by trees or anything else from the window to the balcony? I think the unobstructed expansion of the college is good for this town. Your point was to get the sun down on the pool unobstructed.
the delivery site designated by the culprit had an unobstructed view でも 今回も前回も➡
to make floortoceiling windows and unobstructed views 私たちは床から天井までの窓と 遮る物のない視界を手に入れました
however , there is a different period of unobstructed cultivation between men and women . ただし男女別の修行期間がある。
yes . jack crawford may lay his weary head to rest knowing he didn't break you and our conversation can proceed unobstructed by paperwork . ああ ジャックは これで落ち着ける
additionally , the place which permits women to worship and practice unobstructed cultivation is called a ' nyonin koya .' また、女性の参拝・修行を許可した場所を「女人高野」という。
it seems that in order to achieve those goals , women were removed from the places of unobstructed cultivation by men in shugen-do . それらの目的を達成するために、修験道では、男性の修行場から女性を排除したものと思われる。
additionally , there is an opinion that it is because the place of unobstructed cultivation in shugen-do was in a severe , trackless mountain area . また修験道の修行地が人跡未踏の厳しい山岳地帯であったためとの見方がある。
on the contrary , because mountain areas were such places , practitioners of austerity chose them as places of severe unobstructed cultivation where men could not be caught up in thoughts of women . 逆にそういう場所だからこそ、修験者は異性に煩わされない厳しい修行の場として、山岳を選んだというもの。