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up-to-date 意味



  • up-to-date adj. 最新の.
    • Keep me up-to-date with your movements .


  • in los angeles , eating sushi at japanese restaurants was valued as an up-to-date lifestyle .
  • more temporal and up-to-date than tsukushi goto music , the pieces were highly artistic and became popular at that time .
  • since no up-to-date information came to japan from the continent , they were obliged to teach and use the existing information .
  • the most up-to-date knowledge that toyama obtained in europe and the us from the end of the edo period through the beginning of the meiji period was important for the japanese government at that time .
  • explaining in up-to-date terms , yukiyasu shimada was a doctor in a small town , who treated sick and wounded people with appropriate measures for each case , and also compounded chemicals or herbs into japanese herbal medicine or chinese herbal medicine .
  • genshin vigorously translated numerous up-to-date dutch anatomy books , besides he commissioned a famous painter denzen aodo to make illustrations and published an original translation of an anatomy text ' waran naikei ihan teimo ' (medical examples in outline ) with denzen ' s illustrations .
  • at first the word was used to mean affectation , impudence and so on like calling hikara an affected manner of dividing or cutting hair , or abusing too long hisashigami as haikara , but as mr . komatsu predicted , the word has widened its meaning including a fashionable person or being up-to-date and it has become a popular word both in the upper social class and in the lower social class .


  • reflecting the latest information or changes; "an up-to-date issue of the magazine"

  • in accord with the most fashionable ideas or style; "wears only the latest style"; "the last thing in swimwear"; "cutting-edge technology"; "a with-it boutique"
    Synonyms: cutting-edge, with-it,

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