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urinate 意味



  • {他動} : 小便をする、排尿する
    【発音】ju'(э)rэne`it、【変化】《動》urinates | urinating | urinated、【分節】u?ri?nate


  • that's correct . i urinate on other men for money .
    よくお前に 治療を任せる人がいるよな!
  • don't you know yourself when you have to urinate ?
    おしっこが出る時は 自分で分かるでしょ?
  • i think i should urinate before we leave . don't worry .
    発つ前に おしっこを
  • if you don't mind , i think i should urinate before we leave .
    発つ前に おしっこを
  • dead and embalmed men don't urinate , dr . hodgins .
  • that means pull the truck over so i can urinate .
    停めてくれれば 済ますよ
  • think about how you urinate in a westernstyle toilet .
    洋式便所で小便するときのことを 考えてみろ。
  • ) tsureshon going off to urinate together
    男の付き合いは 連れションからってな
  • now , large herds dung and urinate all over their own food
  • hey , don't urinate on your own bloody ... get back , get back .
    おい立ちションするな! 下がれ 下がれ!
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3


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