vexatiously 意味
- {副} : いら立たしく、うっとおしく、煩わしく
- vexatious suit 濫訴{らんそ}
- vexatious rules and regulations わずらわしい規則や規制
- vexatiousness {名} : いら立たしさ、煩わしさ
- vexatious regulations 煩わしい規則{きそく}
- vexed vexed 歯痒い はがゆい むしゃくしゃ
- vexatious delay じれったい遅延{ちえん}
- vexed at someone's indifference 《be ~》(人)の冷淡{れいたん}さに腹を立てる
- vexatious complication 煩雑{はんざつ}
- vexed expression 腹を立てた顔
- nejiki no sugi (twisted cedar tree ), which was designated as a natural monument by tanabe city , is located beyond the shiomi pass in kumanokodo road , and it is said that the tree was twisted with kiyohime , who contorted her body vexatiously to see anchin running away , then it grew up to be a big tree in the twisted condition .
- Adverb
- in a vexatious manner
- in a vexatious manner