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wildly 意味



  • {副-1} : 乱暴{らんぼう}に、むやみやたらに、荒々{あらあら}しく、ひどく、激しく、ものすごく
    They drove wildly down the road. 彼らはその道を乱暴な運転で下っていった。
    {副-2} : 野生{やせい}で、野生的{やせい てき}に
  • beat wildly    (心臓{しんぞう}が)激しく打つ
  • cheer wildly    狂喜喝采{きょうき かっさい}する
  • cry wildly    (赤ん坊が)火がついたように泣く、狂乱して叫ぶ
  • dance wildly    乱舞する
  • fire at wildly    乱射する
  • gesture wildly at    (人)に向けてやみくもに[激しく]身ぶりをする
  • guess wildly    途方{とほう}もない推測{すいそく}をする
  • gyrate wildly    激しく回転{かいてん}する
  • kiss wildly    猛烈{もうれつ}にキスする
  • laugh wildly    けたたましく笑う
  • live wildly    野放図{のほうず}な暮らしをする
  • oscillate wildly    大きく動揺{どうよう}する
  • panic wildly    やたら[ひどく]パニックに陥る
  • running wildly    running wildly 暴走 ぼうそう
  • say wildly    乱暴{らんぼう}に言う


  • if that thing moves wildly as he pleases
    もしあれが、好き放題暴れるような ことになれば・・・
  • growing up is about aiming to succeed wildly
  • just to get people to think wildly about things .
  • this is great , but it's wildly idealistic .
    素晴らしい話だけど かなり理想主義的だし
  • that even though these drawings are really wildly different
    それぞれ大きく 異なっていても
  • is being used in wildly unfair ways . right ?
  • and the belief systems were wildly disparate .
  • if only the circumstances had been wildly different .
  • i'm not afraid . just not wildly keen .
    怖くはない さほど好きでもないだけ
  • i've got my eye on a wildly popular program from norway
    ノルウェーで非常に人気の番組が 私の目にとまりました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree; "the storyline is wildly unrealistic"

  • with violent and uncontrollable passion; "attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over"

  • in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner; "He gesticulated wildly"

  • to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree; "the storyline is wildly unrealistic"

  • with violent and uncontrollable passion; "attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over"

  • in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner; "He gesticulated wildly"

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