nakahara no morotsura (1220 - 1283 ) was a working-level official of the bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) during the middle of the kamakura period . 中原 師連(なかはら の もろつら、承久3年(1220年) - 弘安6年(1283年))は鎌倉時代中期の幕府実務官。
following this , as a working-level bureaucrat in the taira clan-based government , he held each post in the benkan except ushoben (minor controller of the right ), and then the post of kura no kami (chief of the bureau of palace storehouses ). その後、平氏政権の実務官僚として各弁官(右少弁以外を全て歴任)や内蔵頭を歴任。
kuzen-an ' was originally a draft proposal of kuzen , meaning no more than an incomplete version of a memorandum (memo ); but later , it came into use as a means of directly conveying the imperial order to working-level officials , bypassing the daijokan . 口宣案(くぜんあん)とは、元来は口宣の案文であり、覚書(メモ)の下書き程度の意味合いでしかなかったが、後には太政官を経由せずに直接実務担当者に勅旨の内容を伝えるために用いられた。
that was the same in the case where chiten no kimi exercised his right of personnel management such that it was required to follow complicated procedures of putting on the appearance of an imperial order , conveyed to the daijokan and further to the working-level officials . これは治天の君が人事権を行使する場合でも同じであり、天皇の命令という体裁を取り、更に太政官に伝えられてそこから実務担当者に命令が届くという複雑な手続を要した。
originally , it was arranged so that the kuzen-an was handed to the working-level officials and then the same order was issued by the daijokan to the working-level officials -- later , the step of issuing the order at the daijokan was omitted , and the kuzen-an was considered to be the formal rescript . 本来は口宣案が担当者に渡された後に、全く同じ内容の命令が太政官から担当者に宣下される手筈となっていたが、後には太政官での宣下手続が省略されて、口宣案をもって正式な命令証書とみなされるようになった。
originally , it was arranged so that the kuzen-an was handed to the working-level officials and then the same order was issued by the daijokan to the working-level officials -- later , the step of issuing the order at the daijokan was omitted , and the kuzen-an was considered to be the formal rescript . 本来は口宣案が担当者に渡された後に、全く同じ内容の命令が太政官から担当者に宣下される手筈となっていたが、後には太政官での宣下手続が省略されて、口宣案をもって正式な命令証書とみなされるようになった。
to strengthen the power of shogun against the shogunal deputy and others , the sixth shogun yoshinori ashikaga started out to extend the influence of gozen-sata that was chaired and attended by the shogun -- he included shomu (land management ) as well as zasso on the agenda of gozen-sata , and also organized gozen-sata shu (members of gozen-sata ) from working-level officials of yuhitsu (amanuenses ) and bugyonin (magistrates ) and qualified them to attend gozen-sata . 6代将軍足利義教は、管領などに対抗して将軍の権威を高めるために、将軍が主宰・臨席する御前沙汰の権威強化に乗り出し、雑訴のみならず所務も御前沙汰の評定対象として加え、実務を担当する右筆・奉行人の中から御前沙汰衆を選んで御前沙汰への参加資格を与えた。
but from the tenure of emperor gosaga , in order to meet the requirement of conveying personnel change made by the chiten no kimi -- who had the virtual right of personnel management -- to the official responsible for personnel matters as soon as possible , the shikiji kurodo who received the order issued by the chiten no kimi (or the emperor if under the personal rule of the emperor ) drew up a copy of the draft proposal of kuzen on the pretext of making an incomplete version of the kuzen and handed the copy of the draft proposal with inzen (document transcribed a retired emperor ' s order ) of the chiten no kimi who issued the kuzen (or a document transcribed of the emperor ' s order ) to the working-level officials , before submitting the kuzen to the shokei . これに対して後嵯峨天皇の頃から実際の人事権者である治天の君の人事決定を迅速に人事担当者に伝える必要性から、治天の君(天皇親政の場合は天皇)の命令を受けた職事蔵人が、口宣を上卿に渡す前にあらかじめ下書きを名目としてもう1通案文を口宣と全く同じ様に作成して、この案文に口宣を出した治天の君の院宣(あるいは天皇の綸旨)を添えて実務担当者に渡した。