- あぐむ
to get tired of (doing)
to lose interest in
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- ―あぐむ ―あぐむ [―倦む] v. ?→待ち倦む ?→考えあぐんだ結果
- せめあぐむ せめあぐむ 攻め倦む to lose the attacking initiative
- まちあぐむ まちあぐむ 待ち倦む to tire of waiting
- 攻めあぐむ 1. be at a loss how to continue the offensive 2. be unable to get an attack going 3. be unable to mount a successful offensive
- つぐむ つぐむ 鉗む to shut one's mouth
- めぐむ めぐむ 芽ぐむ to bud to sprout 恵む to bless to show mercy to
- 涙ぐむ 涙ぐむ なみだぐむ to be moved to tears
- 芽ぐむ 芽ぐむ めぐむ to bud to sprout
- あぐら あぐら 胡座 sit cross-legged (i.e., Indian style)
- あぐん あぐん 亜群 subgroup
- うわぐむ うわぐむ 上汲む to draw off the top liquid
- なみだぐむ なみだぐむ 涙ぐむ to be moved to tears
- 口をつぐむ 口をつぐむ v. clam up [自]《略式》〔…に〕口をつぐむ, だまり込む〔on〕; shut one's mouth (見出しへ戻る headword ? つぐむ)
- ―あぐねる ―あぐねる ?―あぐむ