あげる の英語
あげる 挙げる to raise to fly to give (an example) 上げる to give to raise to elevate to fly (kites) to praise to increase to advance to promote to vomit to usher in to admit to send (to school) to offer to present to leave with to finish to arrange (expenses) to observe to perform to quote to mention to bear (a child) to improve (talents) to do up (the hair) to arrest to engage to fry (rains) to stop 揚げる to lift to fry あげ あげ 上げ rise in price making a tuck 揚げ fried bean curd る る 僂 bend over あげる 1 【他動】 rolf あげる 2 make mention of〔~を〕 あげる 3 1. fetch in 2. take in〔収入を〕 あげる 4 set up〔大声?叫び声?悲鳴?ほえ声を〕 いりあげる いりあげる 入り揚げる to lavish money on いれあげる いれあげる 入れ揚げる to lavish money on うちあげる うちあげる 打ち上げる to launch to shoot up (of waves) dash to wash up (ashore) to finish to close うん。あげる。 Yes. This is for you. おいあげる おいあげる 追い上げる to gain on to put pressure on おしあげる おしあげる 押し上げる 押上げる to boost to force up to push up かいあげる かいあげる 買い上げる to buy to buy up to bid up かきあげる かきあげる 掻き上げる to comb upwards 舁き上げる to shoulder (palanquin) 書き上げる to write out or down to finish writing かりあげる かりあげる 借り上げる 借上げる to hire to lease to requisition to charter 刈り上げる to reap completely to trim up (the hair) to dress up きりあげる きりあげる 切り上げる to abbreviate to close to finish くみあげる くみあげる 組み上げる to compose to put together 汲み上げる to draw くりあげる くりあげる 繰り上げる to move up to advance
It's okay , it's okay . shhh . i'll take care of you . 大丈夫よ 大丈夫 飼ってあげる I was thinking i'd give her another when she wakes up . 起きたら ミルクをあげる わ Is she buying that for her ? it's pretty expensive . あれ買ってあげる の? 結構高いよね Its okay . ill go with you as far as you want . 《いいよ いくらでも つきあってあげる から》 I will make sure to take the rainbow crystal soon . 今に必ず 虹水晶を取り出してあげる If you don't mind , i can be your partner . [tel]こんな私でよかったら 相棒になってあげる よ Your disciplinary action at the next board meeting . お前の処分案を 議題にあげる らしい If you promise to behave , i'll take out the gag . 大声出さないなら それ とってあげる わ Now i'll be nice and let you have the first pull . だから最初の一振りを 味あわせてあげる If you're going to die , allow me to pick you up . どうせい死ぬなら わたしが拾ってあげる