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  • I didn't think that you would come so far in such a short time.
  • あな     あな 穴 孔 hole
  • なた     1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
  • たが     たが 箍 hoop binding (e.g. of a barrel)
  • これ     これ 此れ 之 this
  • ほど     ほど 歩度 one's walking pace 程 degree extent bounds limit
  • どの     どの 何の which what 殿 person Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)
  • 短期     短期 たんき short term
  • 期間     期間 きかん period term
  • 間に     間に あいだに while during (the time when)
  • ここ     ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
  • こま     こま 駒 shoogi pieces 独楽 a top 齣 frame (e.g. in film)
  • まで     まで 迄 until till doing as far as
  • 進歩     進歩 しんぽ progress development
  • する     する 為る to do to try to play to practice to cost to serve as to pass to elapse
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いな     いな 否 no nay yes well
  • なか     なか 中 inside middle among 仲 relation relationship
  • あなた     あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
  • 短期間     短期間 たんきかん short term short time
  • すると     すると thereupon hereupon
  • いなか     いなか 否か ... or not 田舎 rural not particularly urban countryside suburb
  • かった     かった カッタ cutter
  • これほど     これほど 此れ程 so so much this much
  • 短期間に     1. in a brief period of time 2. in a short period of time 3. over a short term
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