- You put me out of business.
- あな あな 穴 孔 hole
- なた 1. chopper 2. frow / froe〈米〉 3. matchet
- たが たが 箍 hoop binding (e.g. of a barrel)
- 廃業 廃業 はいぎょう cessation of business discontinuation of business
- いや いや 否 no nay yes well 厭 厭や 嫌 disagreeable detestable unpleasant reluctant
- あなた あなた 彼方 the other the other side there yonder that 貴女 you lady 貴方 you dear
- やった 【間投】 1. shazam / shazzam 2. woopy-doo 3. woot / w00t〈俗〉〔喜びの声。満足の相づち◆ 【語源】
- 企業を廃業に追いやる put a company out of business
- 会社を廃業に追いやる put a company out of business
- 廃業に追いやる 1. force ~ out of business 2. put ~ out of business〔~を〕
- あなたが私を追い出したのです。 You kicked me out!
- 廃業に追い込む 1. drive ~ out of business 2. lead to ~ close〔~を〕
- 自主廃業に追い込まれる be driven to voluntarily go out of business
- 失業に追いやる force someone from someone's job〔人を〕
- ボブの会社は彼を過労死に追いやった Bob's company drove him to an early grave by working him so hard.