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  • The time has come for some straight talk.
  • ある     ある 或 或る a certain... some... 在る to live to be 有る to be to have
  • 程度     程度 ていど degree amount grade standard of the order of (following a number)
  • 率直     率直 そっちょく frankness candour openheartedness
  • 直に     直に じきに immediately readily directly じかに directly in person headlong
  • 話す     話す はなす to speak
  • すべ     すべ 術 way means
  • べき     べき should (suf to verbs) must 冪 a power (math)
  • がき     がき 餓鬼 brat kids ghoul
  • きた     きた 北 North
  •      た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
  • すべき     すべき should do (abbr. of suru+beki) ought to do
  • ある程度     ある程度 あるていど to some extent to a certain extent
  • 率直に話す     speak plainly
  • 率直に話す 1    1. candid enough to tell 2. come (out) into the open 3. speak flat out 4. speak plainly 5. speak simply 6. speak up 7. talk frankly / talk candidly 率直に話す 2 【自動】 level〈俗〉 率直に話す 3 put ~ on the lin
  • 国民に率直に話す    tell the nation forthrightly about〔~について〕
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