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"いぼ"の例文"いぼ" 意味"いぼ" 中国語の意味


  • いぼ

    different mother
  • あいぼ    あいぼ 哀慕 cherish the memory of yearn for 愛慕 love attachment adoration
  • いぼく    いぼく 遺墨 autographs (brushwork) of departed person
  • いぼじ    いぼじ 疣痔 hemorrhoid
  • いぼ状    いぼ状 warty[医生]
  • いぼ症    いぼ症 verrucosis[医生]
  • けいぼ    けいぼ 継母 stepmother 敬慕 love and respect
  • せいぼ    せいぼ 聖母 emperor's mother Virgin Mary 歳暮 end of the year year-end gift 生母 one's real mother
  • だいぼ    だいぼ 代母 godmother
  • ついぼ    ついぼ 追慕 cherishing the memory of yearning for
  • めいぼ    めいぼ 名簿 register of names
  • 中いぼ    中いぼ middle spinneret[医生]
  • 主いぼ    主いぼ primary tubercle[医生]
  • 前いぼ    前いぼ anterior spinneret[医生]
  • 副いぼ    副いぼ secondary tubercle[医生]
  • 後いぼ    後いぼ posterior spinneret[医生]


  • Heibon is a fiction written by futabatei shimei .
  • I'm not so old that you'd have to worry about me !
  • So what then , you're just a regular old cranky bitch ?
    じゃ何だい 老いぼれビッチ?
  • Each of these silk fibers exits from the spigot
  • And the students are supposed to colorcorrect
    課題ですが 学生は 赤いぼんやりした画像の
  • Give it a shot . old man . keep your neck tight .
    やってみろよ 老いぼれ 首に力を入れろ 動け
  • Let an old man walk alone under the stars .
    星の下の散歩くらい 老いぼれ一人でさせろや
  • Rose ! come and keep a decrepit man company .
    ローズ この老いぼれに 付き合ってくれ
  • Each spinneret has many spigots on it .
  • Who wants to listen to us old people playing ?
    今のこの時代に... こんなおいぼれの琴なんで誰が聴く?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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