You are , of course , aware of the ritual . yes , i am . 儀式のうわさを聞いただろう.
Nobody's heard of him . うわさを聞いた奴もいないんです
Ibaraki doji , who had found such a kindred spirit in shuten doji , also became his henchman , and together they began raiding the villages nearby; ibaraki ' s mother , after hearing rumors of his misdeeds , draped herself in his baby clothes and appeared before him , which suddenly caused him to be flooded with memories of his childhood , so he vowed that ' never shall i set foot in this region again ,' and together with shuten doji , began to make his way towards the capital (kyoto ), passing through mt . togakushi in shinano (nagano ). 酒呑童子と意気投合した茨木童子は舎弟となり共に周囲の村々を襲っていたが、そのうわさを聞いた母が、彼の幼い頃の産着を着けて茨木童子の前に立つと、茨木童子は急に子供の頃の想い出が甦ったか、「二度とこの地を踏まぬ」と約束して、酒呑童子とともに信州戸隠山などを経て京へと向かった。