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"くおん"の例文"くおん" 意味"くおん" 中国語の意味


  • くおん
  • おん     おん 音 sound note 恩 favour obligation debt of gratitude
  • かぞくおん    かぞくおん 下属音 subdominant
  • がくおん    がくおん 楽音 musical note
  • ぎょくおん    ぎょくおん 玉音 the Emperor's voice
  • こくおん    こくおん 国恩 one's debt to one's country
  • じゃくおん    じゃくおん 弱音 soft sound
  • そくおん    そくおん 促音 assimilated sound (small "tsu" in Japanese) geminate consonant
  • そくおんき    そくおんき 足温器 footwarmer
  • だくおん    だくおん 濁音 sonant voiced sound
  • ちくおんき    ちくおんき 蓄音器 gramophone 蓄音機 gramophone
  • ちょくおん    ちょくおん 直音 single-kana sound
  • ばくおん    ばくおん 爆音 (sound of an) explosion or detonation roar (of a machine)
  • びだくおん    びだくおん 鼻濁音 nasal sound
  • ふくおん    ふくおん 複音 compound note (on a harmonica)
  • ろくおん    ろくおん 録音 (audio) recording


  • The last part is called honmon , which is described in kuonjitsujo (久遠実成 ).
  • Rokuon-ji temple is a rinzai sect shokoku-ji school temple located in kita ward , kyoto city .
    鹿苑寺(ろくおんじ)は、京都市北区 (京都市)にある臨済宗相国寺派の寺院。
  • Hira-shofuku onsen is a hot spring located at 948-10 , kitahira , otsu city , shiga prefecture .
  • In 1404 , he was appointed as rokuon soroku (highest-ranking priest of the gozan , the leader of the zen sect ), and served in the role for 10 years .
  • The sohonzan (head temple ) of the nichiren sect is kuon-ji temple located on mt . minobu and the shumuin (propagation hall ) is in ikegami honmon-ji temple (ikegami , ota ward , tokyo prefecture ).
  • Emperor kameyama (who reigned from 1259 to 1274 ) gave the title of " kuon jitsujo amida hongwan-ji temple ," but the mausoleum was ultimately destroyed because of infighting .
  • Jetavana vihara (the formal name is " jetavana anathapindadasya-arama " in sanskrit ) was a temple at sravasti in middle india , where buddha preached sermons .
    祇園精舎(ぎおんしょうじゃ)、正式名称祇樹給孤独園 精舎(ぎじゅぎっこどくおん しょうじゃ、サンスクリット:Jetavana Anathapindadasya-arama)は、中インドのシュラーヴァスティー(舎衛城)にあった寺院で、釈迦が説法を行ったとされる場所。
  • The jigo (temple name ) of jodo shinshu sect is said to have originated from ' kuon jitsujo amida hongan-ji temple ,' which was granted as an imperial gift for shinran ' s mausoleum hall by emperor kameyama in 13 century .
  • When zekkai chushin of the rokuon-in sub-temple of shokoku-ji temple was appointed soroku , the grave of yoshimitsu was placed within the temple grounds and it came to be that the head priest of this temple also served as soroku , being called ' rokuon soroku .'
  • Opposing to that in the latter 14 chapters of hokekyo , especially in nyorai juryo hon , it is preached that shaka didn ' t earn enlightenment under the bodhi tree , but really , he was kuon jitsujo , or a buddha who already earned enlightenment a very long time ago , in eternal past .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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