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  • use the toilet as a wastebasket
  • くず     くず 屑 waste scrap 葛 (Japanese) arrowroot
  • 入れ     入れ いれ container receptacle
  • わり     わり 割 割り rate ratio proportion percentage profit assignment 10% unit of ten
  • 使う     使う つかう to use to handle to manipulate to employ to need to want to spend to
  •      う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,
  • 代わり     代わり かわり substitute deputy proxy alternate relief compensation second helping
  • わりに     わりに 割に 割りに comparatively in proportion
  • トイレ     トイレ toilet restroom bathroom lavatory
  • くず入れ     1. trash bin [can] 2. waste basket 3. waste container
  • 代わりに     代わりに かわりに instead of
  • 入れ代わりに     as substitute for
  • トイレを使う     1. have a bog 2. use a latrine 3. use the bathroom 4. use the lavatory
  • 入れ代わりに    as substitute for
  • トイレを灰皿代わりに使うのをやめる    stop using the toilet as an ashtray
  • トイレを使う    1. have a bog 2. use a latrine 3. use the bathroom 4. use the lavatory
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