- When did you begin working here?
- ここ ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
- 働き 働き はたらき work workings activity ability talent function labor action operation
- 始め 始め はじめ beginning start origin
- はい はい 拝 worship 俳 actor 佩 wear put on (sword) yes 肺 lung 灰 ash 配 disposition
- いつ いつ 何時 when how soon 佚 be lost peace hide mistake beautiful in turn
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- ここで ここで that is i.e.
- お酒を飲み始めたのはいつですか? When did you start drinking alcohol?
- 初めてたばこを吸ったのはいつですか? When did you smoke your first cigarette?
- 最後に東京に来たのはいつですか? When was the last time you were in Tokyo?
- 「バンドを結成したのはいつですか」「1990年です」 "When did you get together with the band?" "We started in 1990."
- あなた自身はいつ、音楽を演奏し始めたのですか? When did you start playing music yourself?
- 「その口座を開いたのはいつですか」「ほんの半年とちょっと前です」 "How long ago did you open the account?" "I opened it just a little over six months ago."
- 退院はいつですか When are you being released?
- あなたが自分は俳優になりたいと気づいたのはいつですか。 When did you realize you wanted to be an actor?