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  • As soon as I finish writing this last screen of the game, we can get it out the door.
  • この     この 此の this
  • 最後     最後 さいご last end conclusion
  • 後の     後の posterior[医生]
  • 画面     画面 がめん terminal screen scene picture the field (in TV) photo
  • 仕上     仕上 しあげ end finishing touches being finished
  • 上げ     上げ あげ rise in price making a tuck
  • げた     げた 下駄 geta (Japanese footwear) wooden clogs
  • たら     たら 鱈 codfish cod (Gadus morhua) 多羅 Tara The Deliverer, the Saviouress
  • ぼく     ぼく 僕 I manservant 卜 divining telling a fortune predicting choosing settling
  • 仕事     仕事 しごと work occupation employment
  • わり     わり 割 割り rate ratio proportion percentage profit assignment 10% unit of ten
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • ゲーム     ゲーム game
  • 最後の     【形】 1. aftermost 2. conclusive 3. dernier 4. endmost 5. eventual 6. final 7.
  • 仕上げ     仕上げ しあげ end finishing touches being finished
  • 終わり     終わり おわり the end
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