- become invisible for brief periods of time
- しば しば 柴 brushwood firewood 芝 lawn sod turf
- ばら ばら 薔薇 rose 荊棘 brambles thorns
- らく らく 楽 comfort ease
- なく なく 鳴く 啼く to sing (bird) to bark to purr to make sound (animal) 泣く to cry to
- なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to be
- る る 僂 bend over
- しばらく しばらく 暫く little while
- なくなる なくなる 亡くなる to die 無くなる to disappear to get lost
- しばらくの 【形】 brief
- しばらくの間 1. bit 2. for a certain time 3. for a little 4. for a long moment 5. for a
- 見せなくなる turn off〔態度?表情を〕
- 少しの間顔を見せなくなる become invisible for brief periods of time
- しばらくの間いなくなる become invisible for brief periods of time
- しばらくの間 1. bit 2. for a certain time 3. for a little 4. for a long moment 5. for a season 6. for a short period 7. for some little time 8. in a (little) while 9. interim 10. interim period 11. spell 12. sto
- しばらくの間経過を見て after observing developments for some time