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  • Soba is made of buckwheat flour, and udon and kishimen are made of plain wheat flour.
  • そば     そば 蕎麦 soba (buckwheat noodles) 側 傍 near close beside vicinity proximity
  • から     から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
  • うど     うど 独活 udo (plant)
  • どん     どん 貪 coveting 鈍 dull slow stupid dull-brained
  • やき     やき 夜気 night air stillness of night cool evening
  • きし     きし 己巳 sixth of the sexagenary cycle 棋士 shogi player 岸 bank coast shore 貴姉 term
  • しめ     しめ 締め summing up judo choking (strangling) techniques 〆 end or closure mark
  • めん     めん 免 dismissal 面 face mug surface facial features mask face guard side or
  • 普通     普通 ふつう generally ordinarily usually train that stops at every station
  • 小麦     小麦 こむぎ wheat
  • 麦粉     麦粉 むぎこ wheat flour
  • でき     でき 出来 smart quality
  • てる     てる 照る to shine
  • そば粉     1. buckwheat 2. buckwheat flour
  • うどん     うどん 饂飩 noodles (Japanese)
  • しめん     しめん 四面 four sides all sides 紙面 space (page) 歯面 surface of a tooth 誌面 page of a
  • 普通の     【形】 1. average 2. common 3. common-or-garden 4. commonplace 5. familiar 6.
  • 小麦粉     小麦粉 こむぎこ wheat flour
  • うどんや     うどんや 饂飩屋 noodle shop (proprietor)
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