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  • Let us now proceed [go on, move on, pass on] to the next speaker [paper].
  • それ     それ 其れ it that
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • 次の     次の proximate[医生]
  • 講演     講演 こうえん lecture address
  • 移り     移り うつり change transition return present
  • まし     まし 増し extra additional less objectionable better preferable
  • しょ     しょ 諸 various many several
  •      う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,
  • それで     それで 其れで and thereupon because of that
  • しょう     しょう 匠 workman artisan mechanic carpenter means idea 背負う to be burdened with to
  • それでは     それでは 其れでは in that situation well then ...
  • ましょう     ましょう 魔障 obstacle to Buddhist practice 魔性 devilishness
  • それでは次の問題に移りましょう    Now, let's move on to the next question.
  • 議論も出尽くしたようですので、次のご講演に移ります    If there is no further discussion, we will now proceed [go on, move on, pass on] to the next speaker [paper].
  • それでは次に移ります。    So, it's time to move on.〔次の話題[議題]などに進むとき。〕
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