Manannan will lead and tir na nog will follow ♪ マナーンが導き 常若の国は、それに続く ♪
Now , the corkscrew is a chicane , followed by a quick コルクスクリューはシケインで それに続くー
Now , the corkscrew is a chicane , followed by a quick コルクスクリューはシケインで それに続くー
And it was obviously a tragic moment 9.11とそれに続く出来事は
And then green was revenge . それに続く 緑の時期は復讐
Wareki (japanese calendar ) refers to a calendar peculiar to japan , by which time is divided into periods based on gengo (an era name ) and ensuing years 和暦(われき)とは日本独自の暦法であり、元号とそれに続く年によって年を表現する。
This chapter and the following two chapters of utsusemi (the cicada shell ) and yugao (evening face ) were called together the ' three chapters of hahakigi .' 本帖とそれに続く空蝉・夕顔の三帖をまとめて「帚木三帖」と呼ぶことがある。
320 km/h by tgv of france , 300 km/h by the 500 series trains of jr west , and 300 km/h by ice germany developed for its own use follow . フランスTGVの320km/h、JR西日本の500系 (300km/h)、ドイツが自国開発したICE (300km/h) がそれに続く。
Empress of emperor murakami , fujiwara no anshi , and empress of emperor reizei , imperial princess shoshi , were also served by chugushiki and called chugu . それに続く、村上天皇の皇后藤原安子、冷泉天皇の皇后昌子内親王も中宮職に奉仕され、中宮と呼ばれた。
During the sui dynasty and the following tang dynasty , because of the establishment of the ritsuryo system (a law system ), the centralized authoritarian rule became as firm as a rock . 隋とそれに続く唐の時代には、律令制の確立により中央集権制は磐石のものとなった。