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  • Just being sweet would leave something to be desired. Add cinnamon, and stir until mixed well.〔レシピの説明〕
  • ただ     ただ 唯 只 free of charge mere sole only usual common
  • 甘い     甘い うまい delicious あまい generous indulgent easy-going sweet fond of soft on
  • だけ     だけ 丈 only just as
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • はち     はち 蜂 bee 鉢 a bowl a pot a basin a flowerpot a crown a brainpan 八 八つ eight
  • ちょ     ちょ 著 work 儲 be profitable
  • あれ     あれ that that thing genitals menses 荒れ stormy weather tempest chaps (of skin)
  • です     です polite copula in Japanese
  • ので     ので that being the case because of ...
  • ここ     ここ 箇箇 individual separate 戸戸 戸々 each house every house 個々 個個 individual one by
  • えて     えて 得手 forte strong point
  • よく     よく 良く 善く nicely properly well skilled in 欲 greed wants 慾 craving desire greed
  • かき     かき 柿 persimmon 火気 fire 下記 the following 火器 firearms guns 花器 flower vase 牡蛎
  • ます     ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
  •      す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
  • あれで     despite (one's) appearance〔見掛けは頼りないが〕
  • ここで     ここで that is i.e.
  • ちょっと     ちょっと 一寸 鳥渡 just a minute a short time a while just a little somewhat easily
  • シナモン     シナモン cinnamon
  • かき混ぜ     agitation
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