Engaged in peals of unrestrained laughter . どっと容赦のない笑いの中に包まれました
Washes it straight into the estuary system . 河口にどっと流されます
That someone had left you ? 突然 どっと押し寄せて来る事はありますか?
That someone had left you ? 突然 どっと押し寄せて来る事はありますか?
The story ends , ' then he forces the master ' s wife to marry him . how funny .' 「嫌がるおかみ様と無理やり夫婦になったどさ。どっとはらい。」と語り収める。
All the attendants , including the judges , burst into laughter , and stripped the robes off the hokkeshu sect monks . 其の時、判者を始め満座一同どっと笑い、法華の袈裟を剥ぎ取る。
After civilization and enlightenment , the influence of feudalism and national isolation seemed to disappear and modern culture flooded into japan from western countries . 文明開化を経て封建主義や鎖国の影響も影をひそめ、欧米から近代文化がどっと流入する。
The scene , where the threshold and kamoi were loosened by the reverse power of thick marutake , all the shutters were unfastened and the gishi (loyal retainer ) entered into the residence in bursts , is famous . 太い丸竹の戻りの力で敷居鴨居がゆるみ、雨戸が一斉に外れ、義士たちがどっと屋敷内に踏み込むという場面は有名である。