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  • headstrong as a bull
  • どん     どん 貪 coveting 鈍 dull slow stupid dull-brained
  • こと     こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
  • でも     でも but however
  • 反対     反対 はんたい opposition resistance antagonism hostility contrast objection
  • 押し     押し おし push pressure authority audacity
  • 勝手     勝手 かって kitchen one's own convenience one's way selfishness
  • 突き     突き つき a thrust a pass a lunge a stab
  • 進む     進む すすむ to make progress to advance to improve
  • タイ     タイ tie Thai
  •      の 野 field 乃 possessive particle clause nominalizer particle
  • どんな     どんな what what kind of
  • 切って     eat ~ sliced〔~を〕
  • 勝手に     勝手に かってに arbitrarily of it's own accord involuntarily wilfully as one pleases
  • タイプ     タイプ type style typing
  • 突き進む     突き進む つきすすむ to push on to plunge forward to push one's way to
  • 反対を押し切って     for all someone's opposition〔人の〕
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