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  • It is not the suffering, but the cause which makes a martyr.
  • どん     どん 貪 coveting 鈍 dull slow stupid dull-brained
  • しみ     しみ 染み stain spot 蠧魚 衣魚 紙魚 silverfish clothes moth bookworm
  • える     える 得る 獲る to get to gain to win
  • るか     るか 路加 St Luke
  • では     では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
  • はな     はな 鼻 nose 洟 snivel nasal mucus snot 花 華 flower petal 端 end (e.g. of street)
  • なく     なく 鳴く 啼く to sing (bird) to bark to purr to make sound (animal) 泣く to cry to
  • 何の     何の どの which what
  • ため     ため 溜め cesspool sink manure sink 為 good advantage benefit welfare sake to in
  • しむ     しむ 使む 令む old causative verbal ending 占む to occupy to hold to command to
  • むか     むか 無価 priceless
  • 殉教     殉教 じゅんきょう martyrdom
  • なれ     なれ 慣れ practice experience
  • どんな     どんな what what kind of
  • 苦しみ     苦しみ くるしみ pain anguish distress suffering hardship
  • 耐える     耐える こらえる こたえる たえる to bear to stand to endure to put up with to support to
  • ではな     ではな 出鼻 projecting part (of a headland, etc.) outset starting out 出端 chance of
  • ために     ために 為に for for the sake of to one's advantage in favor of on behalf of
  • 苦しむ     苦しむ くるしむ to suffer to groan to be worried
  • むかで     むかで 百足 蜈蚣 centipede
  • 殉教者     殉教者 じゅんきょうしゃ martyr
  • なれる     なれる 馴れる to become domesticated to become tame to get too familiar with 慣れる to
  • のために     のために for the sake of
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