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  • はなはだしいごかい
    serious misunderstanding
  • はな     はな 鼻 nose 洟 snivel nasal mucus snot 花 華 flower petal 端 end (e.g. of street)
  • はだ     はだ 膚 skin surface texture grain temperament one's bent 肌 skin body grain
  • だし     だし 出し stock broth pretext excuse pretense dupe front man 山車 festival car
  • しい     しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
  • いご     いご 以後 after this from now on hereafter thereafter 囲碁 Go (board game of
  • かい     かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • はだし     はだし 裸足 跣 barefoot
  • ごかい     ごかい 沙蚕 clam worm lugworm 砂蚕 lugworm 五戒 the five commandments: murder, lust,
  • はなはだ     はなはだ 甚だ very greatly exceedingly
  • はなはだしい     はなはだしい 甚だしい extreme excessive terrible intense severe serious tremendous heavy
  • はなはだしい    はなはだしい 甚だしい extreme excessive terrible intense severe serious tremendous heavy (damage)
  • はなはだしく     【副】 1. atrociously 2. grossly
  • はなはだしきに至っては    1. in an extreme case 2. in an extreme instance 3. to crown (it) all
  • はなはだしく変わる    alter profoundly
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