- If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to smoke.
- もし もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
- しよ しよ 賜与 gift, esp. to subordinate
- ろし ろし 濾紙 filter paper
- しけ しけ 時化 stormy weather poor turn-out recession
- たば たば 束 bundle bunch sheaf coil
- いた いた 板 board plank
- たい たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
- ので ので that being the case because of ...
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- たばこ たばこ 莨 煙草 tobacco (pt: tabaco) cigarettes
- いたい いたい 痛い painful 衣帯 clothes and obi full court dress 遺体 corpse remains 異体
- よろしければ 1. if you please 2. if you prefer
- もしよろしければ 1. if it is not an imposition 2. if that's all right 3. if you don't mind 4.
- もしよろしければ 1. if it is not an imposition 2. if that's all right 3. if you don't mind 4. if you prefer 5. if you'd like to
- もしよければ、あなたをデートに誘いたいのですが。 If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you out.