- I seem to have eaten too much last night and have a bit of stomachache.
- ゆう ゆう 勇 bravery courage heroism 結う to do up (hair) to braid 優 actor superiority
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- たみ たみ 民 nation people
- たい たい 対 ratio versus against opposition 鯛 (red) snapper schnapper sea bream 他意
- ちょ ちょ 著 work 儲 be profitable
- とお とお 遠 distant 十 10 ten
- なか なか 中 inside middle among 仲 relation relationship
- かが かが 花芽 flower bud
- 痛い 痛い いたい painful
- いん いん 陰 yin 尹 official rank 員 member 韻 rhyme 印 seal stamp mark print 允 sincerity
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- ゆうべ ゆうべ 夕べ evening 昨夜 last night
- おなか おなか お腹 御腹 stomach
- 食べ過ぎ 食べ過ぎ たべすぎ overeating
- ちょっと ちょっと 一寸 鳥渡 just a minute a short time a while just a little somewhat easily
- おなかが痛い 1. feel [have] (a) pain in (the [one's]) belly 2. feel [have] (a) pain in (the