I'm more afraid of her than i am of you . お前よりあいつが怖いんだ
Yoriai is a consultation organization in villages under the goson-sei system (municipal system of small towns and villages ) that began in the middle ages in japan . 寄合(よりあい)とは、日本の中世以降、郷村制における村の協議機関のことをいう。
Kotaiyoriai (交代寄合) is one instance of having hatamoto (a direct retainer of a shogun ) family status within the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ). 交代寄合(こうたいよりあい)は、江戸幕府における旗本の家格の一つ。
In fact , the process from the nincho ' s manner and niwabi to yoriai is considered the prelude to torimono (symbolic offerings ), and the torimono follows achime no waza (manners of achime ). つまり人長作法、庭燎、よりあい、という順番で、これをいわば序曲として、阿知女作法を経て、採物に入る。
When a problem to be resolved or a matter to be decided arose in the soson , a meeting called a yoriai was held and attended by members of the soson , and the decision was made by the soson . 惣村で問題や決定すべき事項が生じたときは、惣村の構成員が出席する寄合(よりあい)という会議を開いて、独自の決定を行っていった。
He said construction , gardening , and nature come together and interact and people who achieved this did so with a very large space composition which can be suitably called " space design ." そこでは建築も、庭園も自然もそういうものがあいよりあいまて、ひとつの何か空間構成、スペースデザインというような言葉に丁度ぴったり合ったような非常に大きな空間構成をやっていると語っている。
Hatamoto-yoriaiseki was kakaku (family status ) of high-ranking hatamoto with income of 3 ,000 koku or greater without official appointment , or retirees (known as yakuyoriai ) who possessed social standing higher than hoi (those with the rank who wore clothes that did not bear family crests ) in the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ). 旗本寄合席(はたもとよりあいせき)は、江戸幕府の3,000石以上の上級旗本無役者・布衣以上の退職者(役寄合)の家格。