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"よりあい"の例文"よりあい" 意味"よりあい" 中国語の意味


  • よりあい
    a meeting
  • より     より from out of since than 縒り twist ply
  • あい     あい 藍 indigo 愛 love 合い joint associate accomplice 相 together mutually fellow
  •      い 井 well 胃 stomach 依 depending on 倚 lean on rest against 亥 twelfth sign of the
  • うちよりあい    うちよりあい 内寄合い family council
  • よりあいじょたい    よりあいじょたい 寄り合い所帯 people living together motley crew
  • いりあい    いりあい 入会 common (fishery or hunting ground) 入り相 入相 sunset
  • いりあいち    いりあいち 入会地 commons
  • おりあい    おりあい 折り合い mutual relations compromise
  • かかりあい    かかりあい 係り合い unfortunate relationship 掛かり合い involvement
  • きりあい    きりあい 切り合い crossing swords fighting with swords cutting each other (in fighting)
  • ぎりあい    ぎりあい 義理合い social relationship friendship
  • こぜりあい    こぜりあい 小競り合い skirmish brief argument exchange of words 小競合い skirmish argument quarrel
  • さぐりあい    さぐりあい 探り合い probe each other sound each other out
  • しりあい    しりあい 知り合い 知合い acquaintance
  • せりあい    せりあい 競り合い competition


  • I'm more afraid of her than i am of you .
  • Yoriai is a consultation organization in villages under the goson-sei system (municipal system of small towns and villages ) that began in the middle ages in japan .
  • Kotaiyoriai (交代寄合) is one instance of having hatamoto (a direct retainer of a shogun ) family status within the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ).
  • In fact , the process from the nincho ' s manner and niwabi to yoriai is considered the prelude to torimono (symbolic offerings ), and the torimono follows achime no waza (manners of achime ).
  • When a problem to be resolved or a matter to be decided arose in the soson , a meeting called a yoriai was held and attended by members of the soson , and the decision was made by the soson .
  • He said construction , gardening , and nature come together and interact and people who achieved this did so with a very large space composition which can be suitably called " space design ."
  • Hatamoto-yoriaiseki was kakaku (family status ) of high-ranking hatamoto with income of 3 ,000 koku or greater without official appointment , or retirees (known as yakuyoriai ) who possessed social standing higher than hoi (those with the rank who wore clothes that did not bear family crests ) in the edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ).
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