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"れんこ"の例文"れんこ" 意味"れんこ" 中国語の意味


  • れんこ
    calling repeatedly


  • It is also familiar as the leaf of lotus root .
  • Oh . may the light embrace you with its energy infinite .
    神秘なる光に 包まれんことを
  • Fiat voluntas tua , sicut in caelo et in terra .
    "み旨の天に行わるる如く 地にも行われんことを"
  • Unbelievably , sir , the ship is in position .
    信じられんことに 転送可能です
  • I think we might help you win this thing .
    以上だ この事態を克服されんことを
  • Pater noster , qui es in caelis , sanctificetur nomen tuum .
    "天にまします我らの父よ" "願わくは み名の尊まれんことを"
  • You know , you may find this hard to believe , but ... you and i actually want the same thing .
    信じられんことと思うが 俺達は同じ目的だ
  • Oh boy , you would not have believed it i came this close to getting hit by a train ..
    ああ 信じられんことが 列車に轢かれかけて すんでのところで
  • Weigh the balance in favour of my good deeds that day when the deeds of all my life are judged .
    "審判の日には この石が 秤の善行の皿に置かれんことを"
  • Fujufuse (not receive and not give ) nichiren komon sect is a school of the nichiren sect for which the sect founder was nichiren and the school founder was nichio .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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