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  • overindulge oneself
  • わが     わが 我 我が 吾が my our one's own
  • がま     がま 蒲 bulrush cattail 蝦蟇 toad toad
  • まま     まま 先々 先先 well, well 儘 as it is as one likes because as 間々 間間 occasionally
  • のし     のし 熨斗 long thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift 伸 an iron
  • 放題     放題 ほうだい as much as you would like to
  • する     する 為る to do to try to play to practice to cost to serve as to pass to elapse
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • わがまま     わがまま 我が侭 willfulness selfishness 我儘 我が儘 我がまま 我侭 selfishness egoism wilfulness
  • わがままをする    act willfully
  • わがままの権化    personification of egotism [selfishness]
  • 結婚するにはわがまま放題すぎる    be too willful to settle down
  • わがままな行動をする    act up〔人が〕
  • わがままの塊のような人    personification of egotism [selfishness]
  • わがまま    わがまま 我が侭 willfulness selfishness 我儘 我が儘 我がまま 我侭 selfishness egoism wilfulness disobedience whim
  • わがままさ    small-mindedness
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