It's as guest appearance during lunch break ... [tel]お昼の帯番組の ゲスト出演なんですけど。
It's as guest appearance during lunch break ... [tel]お昼の帯番組の ゲスト出演なんですけど。
In 1990 , suzuki made a guest appearance on the live news show " what ' s new " on eisei channel (the present asahi newstar ), the communications satellite station of the asahi shimbun group . 1990年、朝日新聞社系のCS局である衛星チャンネル(現・朝日ニュースター)の情報生番組『Whats New』にゲスト出演。
Shuten doji also makes a guest appearance in the sequel , " o・to・gi - hyakki tobatsu emaki " (english title: otogi 2: immortal warriors ), in which the main characters include seimei abe and the four retainers of raiko in addition to raiko genji . また、続編の『O・TO・GI ~百鬼討伐絵巻~』(こちらは、源頼光に加えて安部晴明と頼光四天王が主人公となっている)にもゲスト出演を果たしている。