登録 ログイン




  • get on a bus


  • When this card is first used for a bus running on a uniform fare section route , the usage date is stamped on it and you are only required to have the date checked by the driver when using it later , as when using a season ticket , but when you use it for a bus on a multi-section route , you must pass it through a reading machine when getting on and off the bus .
    このカードについては、均一区間系統バスに乗車の場合 1回目の利用で日付が印字されるので、2回目以降の利用時は日付を運転手に見せればよいが、多区間系統バスに乗車する場合は乗車時・降車時ともに読み取り機に通す必要がある。
  • When this card is first used for a bus running on a uniform fare section route , the usage date is stamped on it and you ' re only required to have the date checked by the driver when using it later , as when using a season ticket; however , when you use it for a bus on a multi-section route you must pass it through a reading machine when getting on and off the bus .
    このカードについては、均一区間系統バスに乗車の場合 1回目の利用で日付が印字されるので、2回目以降の利用時は定期券のように日付を運転手に見せればよいが、多区間系統バスに乗車する場合は乗車時・降車時ともに読み取り機に通す必要がある。
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