In which we put our prediction of the critical time . バブル崩壊時期の予測を 書いておきます
In the wake of the dotcom crash and 911 9.11テロとITバブル崩壊によって
In the wake of the dotcom crash and 911 9.11テロとitバブル崩壊によって
Due to the collapse of the bubble economy , most of these facilities are suffering from poor business results . だが、バブル崩壊により一部の施設以外は、不振が続いている。
Debts from these mega-productions combined with the collapse of japan ' s economic bubble resulted in cumulative losses not only for daiei but for the entire tokuma shoten group as well . これら超大作路線による借入金の増大とバブル崩壊などにより、大映のみならず徳間書店グループ自体の累積赤字が膨らんだ。
After the collapse of the ' 90s bubble , the number of the tourists visiting ogoto had declined , and the owners of the accommodations started to renovate the buildings to survive from the late 1990s . バブル崩壊の1990年代から観光客が減少、生き残りを図るため1990年代後半から各旅館が改装に乗りだした。
This background has been attributed to the burst of the economic bubble and the drastic decrease of the mutual receptions among bureaucrats (however , be aware that there are still some ryotei which refuse visitors without invitation ). (一部では一見さんお断りもあるので注意が必要)その背景には、バブル崩壊や官官接待の激減があげられる。
After the war , during the rapid economic growth period , the demand for the weave increased , and its production output and the number of the association members were at its highest numbers ever , but the oil crisis , bubble economy and burst of the bubble caused its decline . 戦後、高度経済成長に需要が増大し、生産高・組合員数が過去最高となるも、オイルショックやバブル景気バブル崩壊で減少に転じる。
Although it is not prohibited for private businesses , an increasing number of companies have decided as company policy to refuse expensive gifts as an action to readjust empty formalities after the burst of the bubble economy or to ensure ongoing compliance of business activities . 民間企業では法令で規制・禁止されているわけではないが、バブル崩壊後の虚礼見直しや企業活動のコンプライアンス確保のため、企業方針として高額の贈答品の受け取りを辞退する企業が多くなってきている。
After the bubble busted , foreign capital invaded rapidly into the japanese economic world , and in this trend , they have now been groping for how to survive through m & a , beyond the goodwill of sakaya retained since the edo period , or beyond the barrier of the capital-based relationships . バブル崩壊後、外国資本が急速に日本経済界を席捲するなかで、江戸時代以来の酒屋の暖簾(のれん)、すなわち今日でいう資本系列の垣根を越えて、合併による生き残りが模索されている最中といってよい。