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  • manage in an integrated fashion


  • Thus it was decided that the bakufu should control the whole areas of ju-ri square of edo and osaka by issuing an order to make daimyo and hatamoto return their territories to the bakufu which were within the said ju-ri areas and to supply them with substitute lands near their honryo (main domain ), and as a result , agechi-rei was issued on june 1 (in the old calendar ), 1843 .
    そこで大名、旗本には十里四方に該当する領地を幕府に返上させ、かわりに、大名・旗本の本領の付近で替え地を幕府から支給するという命令を出し、江戸・大坂十里四方を幕府が一元的に管理する方針を固め1843年(天保14年)6月1日 (旧暦)、上知令が発布された。
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