Unlike spending the night with a lower ranked courtesan , to be with an oiran required a lot of customs and conventions . 下位の遊女と一夜を共にするのとは異なり、花魁を揚げるには様々なしきたりが存在していた。
The next day , genji , who visited the residence of ki no kuni no kami (governor of ki province ) in order to avoid traveling in an unlucky direction , got interested in utsusemi (the tale of genji ) (later known as the second wife of iyo no kuni no suke - assistant governor of iyo province ), the middle-class woman whom they were talking about , and slept with her by force on that night . 翌日、紀伊国守の屋敷に方違えのために訪れた源氏は、前日話題となった中流階級の女性である空蝉 (源氏物語)(伊予国介の後妻)に興味を持ち、強引に一夜を共にする。