- The last suitor wins the maid.
- 一番 一番 ひとつがい a pair a couple a brace いちばん best first number one a game a round a
- 後に 後に astern[基礎]
- 来る 来る くる to come to come to hand to arrive to approach to call on to come on
- 求婚 求婚 きゅうこん marriage proposal courtship
- 勝ち 勝ち かち win victory
- 取る 取る とる to take to pick up to harvest to earn to choose
- 求婚者 求婚者 きゅうこんしゃ suitor
- 一番後に at the tail of〔~の〕
- 勝ち取る 勝ち取る かちとる to exert oneself and win to gain (victory)
- 一番後に来る be the last to arrive
- 一番後に来る be the last to arrive
- …から~を勝ち取る win ~ back from
- 愛を勝ち取る 1. gain someone's affection 2. win someone's affection [heart] 3. win the heart of〔人の〕
- 1位を勝ち取る take first prize
- 一部を勝ち取る capture a slice of〔~の〕