- Would you care to join me for breakfast?
- 一緒 一緒 いっしょ together meeting company
- 朝食 朝食 ちょうしょく breakfast
- いか いか 医家 doctor 医科 medical science medical department 以下 less than up to below
- かが かが 花芽 flower bud
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- ? question mark
- 一緒に 一緒に いっしょに together (with) at the same time in a lump
- いかが いかが 如何 奈何 how in what way
- ご一緒にポテトはいかがですか? How about fries with that?〔ファストフード店などで〕
- 一緒に食事でもいかがですか? Would you like to join me for a bite to eat?
- はい。それと一緒にお飲み物はいかがですか。 Yes. Would you like anything to drink with that?
- 家族と一緒に朝食をとった。 I had breakfast with my family.
- 一緒にお茶でもいかがです (Would you) care to join me for a drink?
- 「よろしければ一緒にいかがですか」「それは遠慮しとこうかな」 "Would you like to join me?" "I think I'll pass on that one."
- ごー緒に一杯いかがですか? Would you join us for a drink?