- compliance with general standards
- 一般 一般 いっぱん general liberal universal ordinary average
- 基準 基準 きじゅん standard basis criteria norm
- 準拠 準拠 じゅんきょ basis based on conformance authority (of) standard
- 一般基準 general standard
- 一般基準への準拠性 compliance with general standards
- 一般要件への準拠 compliance with general requirements
- 一般基準 general standard
- 特定の一般基準に準拠する adhere to certain general standards
- 一般要件への準拠性 compliance with general requirements
- 監査一般基準 1. general auditing standards 2. general standards in auditing 3. general standards of auditing
- 一般基金 general fund
- 一般基金会計 general fund accounting
- 一般に認められた監査基準に準拠して in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards
- 平均水準への回復 reversion to the mean
- 法令との準拠性 compliance with laws and regulations