He went on to write two more screenplays before entering into virtual retirement partially due to health reasons . その後、二本の脚本を書いた後、体調不良もあり事実上引退した状態であった。
After that it became impossible to keep up with the increasing numbers of applicants , so eventually kyoto hosei gakko (kyoto school of law and politics ) (the present ritsumeikan university ) virtually succeeded the school . その後、入学希望者の増加に対応しきれなくなり、京都法政学校(現在の立命館大学)に事実上引き継がれた。
After yoriyuki died , yoshimitsu abdicated the office of shogun in favor of his son yoshimochi ashikaga and entered the priesthood , yet he kept controlling the bakufu and made bakufu ' s policy decisions by chairing and holding gozen-sata instead of formal consultations , which nominally retired shogun yoshimitsu could not convene -- and the shogun yoshimochi followed the decisions . 更に頼之の没後、義満は息子足利義持に将軍職を譲って自らは出家するが、幕府の実権を握り続け、表面上引退しているために自らは召集できない公式な評定に代わって自ら主宰する御前沙汰を開いて幕府の政策決定を行い、将軍義持はこれに従う存在となった。