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  • 上引
    upper coating[機械]
  • 上引き    upper coating
  • (機材性)地上引返し    (機材性)地上引返し (technical) ground turn back[航宇]〈96確W0131:航空用語―機材運用〉
  • 2位を~以上引き離して    outdistancing the runner-up by more than
  • 上座部仏教    Theravada Buddhism〔スリランカ、タイ、ミャンマー、ラオス、カンボジアなどで一般的な仏教〕
  • 上座を占める    1. sit above 2. sit at the head 3. sit at the top 4. take a seat of honor 5. take the top seat
  • 上座の    at the head of〔~の〕
  • 上弦    上弦 じょうげん 1st quarter of moon crescent moon
  • 上座に着く    take the top of the table
  • 上弦の     【形】 increscent〔 【反】 decrescent〔月が〕〕
  • 上座に据える    上座に据える かみざにすえる to give (a guest) the seat of honor
  • 上弦の月    1. first quarter moon 2. quarter moon


  • I can no more back down than you .
  • He went on to write two more screenplays before entering into virtual retirement partially due to health reasons .
  • After that it became impossible to keep up with the increasing numbers of applicants , so eventually kyoto hosei gakko (kyoto school of law and politics ) (the present ritsumeikan university ) virtually succeeded the school .
  • After yoriyuki died , yoshimitsu abdicated the office of shogun in favor of his son yoshimochi ashikaga and entered the priesthood , yet he kept controlling the bakufu and made bakufu ' s policy decisions by chairing and holding gozen-sata instead of formal consultations , which nominally retired shogun yoshimitsu could not convene -- and the shogun yoshimochi followed the decisions .
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