- 世界 世界 せかい the world society the universe
- 警察 警察 けいさつ police
- 官 官 かん government service the bureacracy
- 警察官 警察官 けいさつかん policemen
- 世界の警察 World's policeman
- 世界の警察 World's policeman
- 丸腰の警察官 unarmed policeman
- 地元の警察官 local policeman
- 私服の警察官 1. plain-clothes police 2. policeman in plain clothes
- 非番の警察官 off-duty police officer
- ベテランの警察官 hair bag〈米俗〉
- 交番勤務の警察官 1. police officer who works at the police box 2. policeman on koban duty
- 勤務中の警察官 on-duty police officer
- 巡回中の警察官 1. patrolling officer 2. police patrol officer
- 高い階級の警察官 high-ranking policeman
- We have found ourselves