The public loves it when a police officer 警察官が事件に巻き込まれると
You mean , how you chose to get involved with a smuggler like mendoza ? 君は事件に巻き込まれることを選んだ 何でメンドーサのようなやつと?
Until getting involved with the meiwa incident , the oda family in obata province was treated as one of the daimyo families who can be promoted to shihon (fourth rank ) or higher . その後、小幡藩織田家は明和事件に巻き込まれるまで、四品以上に昇進する大名家一覧の待遇を受けた。
Because both families were descendents of nobunaga , they received preferential treatment like landed daimyo though they had small domains , until they were involved in uda disturbance and the meiwa incident in the middle of edo period . 両家ともに信長の末裔ということで、小藩でありながら江戸時代中期の宇陀崩れや明和事件に巻き込まれるまでは幕府から国主並の優遇を受けた。