- confess the truth
- 事実 事実 じじつ fact truth reality
- かす かす 貸す to lend 課す to impose 化す to change into to convert to to transform to be
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 明かす 明かす あかす to pass spend to reveal to divulge
- 赤裸々に事実を明かす reveal the bare truth
- 思い切って真実を明かす tell the truth and shame the devil
- 赤裸々に真実を明かす reveal the bare truth
- 名を明かす 1. disclose one's name 2. reveal one's name
- 情を明かす 情を明かす じょうをあかす to disclose the true facts
- 鼻を明かす 鼻を明かす はなをあかす to take advantage of another's misfortune
- 信じ難い事実を解き明かす unravel the unlikely truth about〔~についての〕
- 取るに足りない細かな事実を(人)に明かす give someone a minor detail
- 一夜を明かす 1. pass a night 2. sit up all (through the) night 3. stay up all night
- 名字を明かす reveal one's surname
- 実名を明かす reveal one's real name