事業を始める 1 1. begin (a) business 2. break ground 3. embark on an enterprise 4. enter into an enterprise 5. enter upon an enterprise 6. establish [form, set up, start] a company [corporation, an enterprise, fir
思い切って事業を始めることに決める decide to take the plunge and run one's own business
思い切って事業を始める決意を固める decide to take the plunge and run one's own business
わずかな元手で事業を始める 1. launch out on a shoestring 2. start one's business on very little capital 3. start one's business with very little capital 4. start one's enterprise on a shoestring
You get excited by an idea and , kapow ! パーンと新事業を始めることに 夢中の中毒患者みたいで
Which is one of the remote and poorest areas of the country . ソノ博士と共に事業を始めることができました
So when it costs millions of dollars to do something substantial 何百万ドルもかかる 大事業を始めるには
Well , the mountain bike was probably invented by some big bike corporation 新規の事業を始める
You decided to build a space company . 宇宙事業を始めることにした
But it almost feels like you're addicted to launching new stuff . パーンと新事業を始めることに 夢中の中毒患者みたいで
To have a business that addresses the need of that segment . このセグメントのニーズにフィットした 事業を始めることにしました
To have a business that addresses the need of that segment . このセグメントのニーズにフィットした 事業を始めることにしました
Love to cut ribbons . 何か新しい事業を始めるのが 好きなんです
Well , i don't know much , milady , but apparently he was counting on sir william for an investment ... and had guaranteed his interest , whatever that means . 聞きかじりですけど ―― ウィ リアム卿が融資して ―― 事業を始めるって 話だったようです