- 1. as we speak
2. in a jiffy [jiff]
3. this very instant
- すぐ すぐ 直ぐ immediately soon easily right (near) honest upright
- に に 荷 load baggage cargo 似 takes after (his mother) 丹 red red earth 二 two
- すぐに すぐに 直ぐに instantly immediately
- 今すぐには in the immediate future
- 今すぐにも 1. any minute 2. at any minute [moment]
- 今すぐにでも 1. any day now 2. any minute now 3. any moment from now
- 今すぐにでも~したい be impatient to
- 今すぐには~しない 1 not just yet 今すぐには~しない 2 just yet〔否定語とともに〕
- 今すぐに修正が必要だ need immediate correction
- 今すぐに是正が必要だ need immediate correction
- 今すぐに紙を1枚くれ Give me a sheet of paper right now.
- 今すぐに詳しく列挙する detail momentarily
- 今すぐに詳しく述べる detail momentarily
- 今すぐにうたた寝できればなあ If only I could take a nap right now!
- 今すぐにでも多大な売り上げが可能だ would be making a lot more money right now
- And certainly not something that you should
「今すぐに始められる代物ではない」 とも言われました - We got to get out of here . we got to get out of here now !
帰るぞ 今すぐに! - We got to get out of here . we got to get out of here now !
帰るぞ 今すぐに! - We got to get out of here . we got to get out of here now !
帰るぞ 今すぐに! - We got to get out of here . we got to get out of here now !
帰るぞ 今すぐに! - I can do it . okay , well , you have to do it now .
出来るわ - いいわ今すぐにやって - Ests casado ? no . pero espero que pronto .
結婚してるか ーいや、でも今すぐにでも結婚したい - Trust me on this . okay . hang up the phone and walk out .
家に帰れ 今すぐに - Trust me on this . okay . hang up the phone and walk out .
家に帰れ 今すぐに - I just didn't want to seem uncool and get one right away .
かっこ悪いし 今すぐには