So you'd better get out of here and start getting ready . だから急いで仕度しなさい
I've got to get dinner ready for my husband , too ! 私だって そろそろ 主人の夕飯の仕度をしないと。
We're getting ready and we're doing it up right 仕度をしましょう 完璧に
Mr . mitsuki is surely busy with work きっと豊月様はお仕度で忙しいのだ
It takes time for girls to prepare . 女の子が仕度に時間がかかるんだ
I helped with preparing the lunch だ~か~ら~。昼食の仕度したり
The preparations that are required ? 仕度はどこで?
I'll be ready in a minute ! すぐ仕度する
I would appreciate it if you could make arrangements to report that i sent the troops to mogami to take action and everyone got exhausted before ieyasu moved from kyoto . 最上へ人衆遣、又動、其外ニ人悉草臥申候へ共、内府様無御下向以前、何とそ仕度候
Tokitsugu was confused by this situation , but readied himself to go to settsu province in which yoshihide lived after accepting yoshiaki ' s request (subsequently , the request for yoshiaki ' s promotion was rejected , and yoshiaki went through genpuku ceremony himself ). 言継はこの事態に困惑しつつも臆せずこの要請を受ける返事をした後に仕度をして義栄のいる摂津国に向かっている(なお、昇進要請はその後却下され、元服の方も義昭が独自に行っている)。