- anticipated interest
- 計算 計算 けいさん calculation reckoning
- 功利計算 utilitarian calculus
- 単利計算法 method of simple interest
- 複利計算 1. calculation of compound interest 2. interest calculated on interest accumulated
- 複利計算期 compounding period
- 複利計算法 method of compound interest
- 連続複利計算 1. continuous compounding 2. continuous compounding calculation
- 半年ごとの複利計算 semiannual compounding calculation
- 年2回複利計算される compounded twice a year
- 年4回複利計算される compounded quarterly
- 半年ごとの複利計算で年率_%の利回りとなる yield __% based on the semiannual compound rate
- 付利期間 interest-accrual period
- 現在の当行の利率は年2回の複利計算で年利0.5%です Our current interest rate is 0.5% per year compounded twice a year.
- 貸付利子歩合 rate of interest on loans
- 福利計画 welfare plan