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"仮初めにも" 意味"仮初めにも" 中国語の意味


  • 仮初めにも
    for a moment
    even as a joke
    even in the slightest degree
  • 仮初     仮初 かりそめ temporariness transience trifle negligence
  • 初め     初め はじめ beginning start origin
  • にも     にも also too not... either as well even
  •      も 藻 duckweed seaweed algae 摸 copy imitate 裳 ancient skirt 喪 mourning
  • 仮初め     仮初め かりそめ temporariness transience trifle negligence
  • 初めに     初めに はじめに to begin with first of all in the beginning
  • 仮初め    仮初め かりそめ temporariness transience trifle negligence
  • 仮初めの事    little thing
  • 仮初めの恋    transient passion
  • 仮初にも    仮初にも かりそめにも for a moment even as a joke even in the slightest degree
  • 仮初    仮初 かりそめ temporariness transience trifle negligence
  • 初めに    初めに はじめに to begin with first of all in the beginning
  • 1月初めに    at the beginning of January
  • 20代初めに    in one's early 20s [twenties]〔年齢が〕
  • 30代初めに    in one's early 30s [thirties]〔年齢が〕
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