- before any effect is seen
- 何か 何か なにか something
- 効果 効果 こうか effect effectiveness efficacy result
- 現れ 現れ あらわれ embodiment materialization
- まで まで 迄 until till doing as far as
- に に 荷 load baggage cargo 似 takes after (his mother) 丹 red red earth 二 two
- 何かの 1. some kind of 2. some ~ or another 3. some ~ or other
- 現れる 現れる あらわれる to appear to come in sight to become visible to come out to embody
- までに までに 迄に by not later than before
- 何かの効果が認められるまでに before any effect is seen
- 医療の効果が現れる respond to medical treatment
- 2週間後に効果が現れる Results are visible in two weeks.
- すぐに効果が現れる take immediate effect
- _分以内に効果が現れる have an onset of action within __ minutes
- ワクチンの効果がでるまでに2週間かかる The vaccine takes two weeks to take effect.
- よい機会が現れるまで till a good chance offers itself