The walls are too thick , so everything will have to be perfectly timed . 作戦を実行するのに 時間を計って行う
We're on . the operation's a go . 作戦を実行すると
Besides , there's probably a fundamental issue to deal with before executing the plan . それに 多分作戦を実行する以前に根本的な問題がある
What you're asking for is too dangerous , not to mention next to impossible with the given time frame . 今の時間帯では、 その作戦を実行する時間がない上、 完全に無理な作戦。
To perform the operation , michael , that would require signatures from about 20 different department heads . この作戦を実行するには マイケル 最低20の部署からサインが必要なんだ
The political administration at kamakura chose yoritomo ' s younger brother minamoto no noriyori to lead 30 ,000 riders and advance along the sanyodo road , cross over into kyushu , and adopt the strategy of blockading the taira clan ' s army from the rear . 鎌倉政権は頼朝の弟源範頼に3万騎を率いさせて山陽道を進軍して九州に渡り平氏軍の背後を遮断する作戦を実行する。
Since nobutomo was defeated by nobunaga oda ' s army and executed , the takeda clan lost a base that they had held since the time of lord shingen to conquer areas to the west of their territory , and was instead exposed to the threat of the oda clan in mino province . 信友は織田信長の軍に破れ処刑され、武田氏は信玄以来の西上作戦を実行する拠点を失い、逆に美濃からの織田氏の脅威にさらされることになる。